Byway is now a certified B Corporation

We are delighted to announce that Byway has been certified as a B Corporation. We're committed to using our business and product as a force for good in the world, and as a certified B Corporation we join the likes of Patagonia and over 2,700 other companies across the globe who stand behind their greater purpose. To our customers and community who’ve poured slow travel energy and support into Byway, and given enthusiastic feedback on this journey: thank you. 

bcorp certified

Why become a B Corp?

Since launching in 2020, our mission to make slow travel mainstream has been at the heart of everything we do. This stems from our belief that a slower, more sustainable approach to travel is better for our customers, the planet, and the communities we travel to. B Corps are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose, and certified B Corps provide customers with a means to ensure that they are supporting businesses that align with their personal values.

What does it mean to be a B Corp?

As a B Corp, our legal governing documents require our directors to balance profit and purpose, and to complete an audited B Impact Assessment, which measures company governance as well as how we look after our workers, community, environment and customers. Certified B Corps look after their staff, work toward a more inclusive supply chain, and use the power of business to solve social and environmental issues.

Being a B Corp is also an ongoing process. It means continuing to hold ourselves to account for our ambitious social and environmental impact targets, which include:

  • Calculating carbon costs for all trips and making these visible to customers

  • Developing our technology to prioritise lesser-known locations that would benefit from increased tourism over peak-season hotspots struggling under the social, environmental and economic effects of over-tourism

  • Measuring and increasing team diversity and inclusion, including through investment in diverse recruitment networks and communities, and flexible and remote working

Being a B Corp helps focus our attention on our environmental and social objectives, and helps us set new goals that push us further. It also keeps how we look after our team and customers front-of-mind, including measuring and setting targets for customer satisfaction (we use Net Promoter Score, five star review proportion and regular customer product feedback sessions), being a Real Living Wage employer and offering supported opportunities for career progression.

By supporting us as B Corp, you are saying ‘yes’ to sustainable travel, socially responsible tourism and supporting local economies, and you’re casting your vote for the kind of travel we need for a cleaner, fairer and more equitable world. Thank you.


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